data plecarii
numarul de persoane
fara transport
fara ghid
Todorov Nina
Terente Anastasia
Mateevici Natalia
Cojuhari Natalia
Peroncova Natalia
Scobioala Elena
Tabarcea Ina
Frolov Galina
Tracenco Larisa
Sisova Maria
Matei Zinaida
Laurentia Zaharia
Degustation of 6 wines: 2 high quality wines, white and red 3 collection wine white, red and dessert, 1 sparkling white wines * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: cold snack ("Doina" snacks, fish, sausages, pickles, moldavian pies (placinte) "Milestii Mici"), hot snack (pork palenta with medallion of beef with stuffed cabbage rolls), desert (fruits, dry plums with walnut), served in pottery Souvenirs: 1 bottle of red vintage wine + 1 bottle of white sparkling wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2.5 hours Total MDL per person - 1000 lei Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 200 lei for one person.
M5 „National"
Wine tasting
Degustation of 7 wines: 2 high quality wines, white and red, 1 sweet table wine, 1 stored in collection red wine, 2 collection wine white and red, 1 sparkling wine white * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: snack "Doina", mixed meat (chicken roll, baked ham, tongue), moldavian pies (placinte), chicken fillet with bacon and boiled potatoes (or rice), fruits Souvenirs: 1 bottle of red premium wine, 1 bottle of white sparkling wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 115 lei for one person.
M4 „Clasic"
Degustation of 3 wines: 2 high quality wines, white and red, and 1 sweet table wine (from jug) - 0.2 liters of wine of each type per person * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A PERSON
Treats: mixed placintas, dried fruit, walnuts or peanuts, biscuits.
Excursion, wines’ degustation (buffet), duration ~ 1 hour Beginning with 16.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M1 „Butoias cu placinte
Degustation of 6 wines: 2 table wines white and red, 2 high quality wines white and red, 1 stored in collection red wine, 1 sparkling wine white * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: snack "Doina", mixed sausages, chicken barbecue and salad, boiled potatoes, julienne, fruits) Souvenirs: 1 bottle of white table wine + 1 bottle of red table wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 110 lei for one person.
M2 „Expres"
The tour ~ 40 min. Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M3 "Excursion wihtout wine tasting"
Degustation of 3 wines: 2 high quality wines, white and red, 1 white sweet table wine (from a jug, 0.5 liters per person) * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A PERSON Treats: snack «Doina», mixed roasted vegetables, mixed meat, moldavian pies (placinte), mamaliga with beef medallions and sauce, Moldavian cabbage rolls, fruits, dried plums with nuts). Souvenirs: 1 bottle of red premium wine, 1 bottle of sparkling white wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M6 „National” (wine from pitcher)
Degustation of 4 wines: 0.2 liter of white high quality wine in a jug, 1 bottle of red high quality wine, 1 bottle of red table wine, 1 bottle of sparkling white wine) * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: snack (pastrami, salami, cheese, cucumbers and tomatoes), pancakes with fruit, rice with chicken kebabs and sauce. Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M7 "Studentesc”
Degustation of 4 wines: 1 bottle of white high quality wine, 1.3 liters of red high quality wine in a jug, 1 bottle of red high quality wine, 1 bottle of sweet table wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed fresh vegetables, salad of raw vegetables (sweet pepper, red beets, carrots, and onions), vegetable soup, potatoes baked with mushrooms, dried plums with nuts. Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M8 „Vegetarian”
Degustation of 4 types of wines: 1,5l. red high quality wine, 1 high quality white wine, 1 stored in collection red wine, 1 collection white wines * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: cold snack (stewed vegetables, salad of vegetables (sweet pepper, red beet, carrot, onion), smashed beens), hot snack (popatoes with mushrooms in pots),desert (dry plums with walnut) Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 150 lei for one person.
M9 „De Post"
Degustation of 3 wines: 2 high quality red and white wines and 1 sweet table wine (in a jug) at the rate of 0.5 liters of wine of each type per person * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A PERSON Treats: snack (sausage, pastrami, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes) Moldovian chicken soup, polenta with braised pork or chicken and sheep's cheese. Souvenirs: white table wine + red table wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 130 lei for one person.
M10 „Moldova"(wine from pitcher)
Degustation of 5 wines: 2 high quality red and white wines and 1 sweet white table wine, 1 dry table wine ROSE, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: snack (chicken roll, pork, beef tongue, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes), Moldavian chicken soup, mamaliga with braised chicken and sheep’s cheese, dessert. Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 130 lei for one person.
M11 „Moldova”
Degustation of 7 types of wines: 2 high quality red and white wine, 1 stored in collection red wine, 3 collection white, red and dessert wine, 1 sparkling white wines * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: cheese plate, wallnuts, dry fruits Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 150 lei for one person. !Additionally charge per person for souvenirs (1 bottle of white vintage wine + 1 bottle of red vintage wine) + 150 MDL
M12 „Struguras
Degustation of 7 wines: 2 high quality red and white wine wines, 1 bottle collection white dessert wine, 1 wine stored in collection red, 2 collection red and white wine, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed vegetables, mixed moldavian pies (placinte), mixed sausage, potatoes baked in the oven. Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 150 lei for one person. !Additionally charge per person for souvenirs (red wine of superior quality + sparkling white) + 150 MDL
M13 „Taranesc
Degustation of 7 wines: 2 high quality red and white wine, 1 stored in collection red wine, 3 collection red, white and dessert wine, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: snack (sausage, pastrami, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes), mixed moldavian pies (placinte), a dish of stewed cabbage and meat with spices, pork chops with baked potatoes and a cabbage salad or pork brisket meat wrapped in cabbage. Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 150 lei for one person. !Additionally charge per person for souvenirs (white collection wine + sparkling white) + 150 MDL
M14 „Codru
Degustation of 6 wines: 2 high quality red and white wines, 1 wine red stored in collection, 2 collection red and white wine, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed vegetables, mixed fish, mixed moldavian pies (placinte), vegetable soup, white fish fillet with potatoes and sauce, seafood salad Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 150 lei for one person. !Additionally charge per person for souvenirs (red collection wine + sparkling white wine) + 150 MDL
M15 „Nistru
Degustation of 7 wines: 2 high quality white and red wine, 1 red wine stored in collection, 3 collection white, red and dessert wine, 1 sparkling white wines * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: cold snack (vegetables, sausages, stewed vegetable, cheese), hot snack(lamb meat baked bread or duck, polenta, sour cream, scrambled eggs) Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2.5 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 150 lei for one person. !Additionally charge per person for souvenirs (1 bottle of white desert semisweet wine + 1 bottle of red vintage wine) + 150 MDL
M16 „Doina
Degustation of 7 wines: 2 high quality white and red wine, 1 red wine stored in collection, 3 collection wine white, red and dessert, 1 sparkling white wines * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: cold snack ("Doina" snacks, sausages (chicken roll, beaf roll, pork roll), cheese plate, moldavian pies (placinte) "Milestii Mici", chiken salad), hot snack (porc meat, salad or stewed vegetables, pancakes (cheese, potatoes, cabbage), dessert Souvenirs: 1 bottle of red stored in collection wine + 1 bottle of white collection wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2.5 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 150 lei for one person.
M17 „Milestii Mici”
Degustation of 5 wines: 2 table wines white and red, 1 red wine stored in collection, 1 collection white wine, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed sausage, mixed moldavian pies (placinte) Milestii Mici, baked potatoes wrapped in bacon and roasted vegetables, dessert Souvenirs: white collection wine + red premium wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 120 lei for one person.
M18 „Traditional”
Degustation of 6 wines: 1 high quality white wine, 1 red wine stored in collection, 3 collection wines white, red and dessert, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed vegetables, mixed fish, mixed meat, mixed seafood, mixed moldavian pies (placinte), meat salad (with sunflower oil), mixed cheese, beefsteak or barbecue or grilled fish with roasted vegetables, Moldavian cabbage rolls, fruits, dessert Souvenirs: dessert collection wine + white sparkling wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 3 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 200 lei for one person.
M19 „Prezidential”
Degustation of 5 wines: 1 dessert white table wine, 2 high quality red and white wine, 1 red wine stored in collection, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: snack (sausage, pastrami, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes), chicken wrapped in bacon and roasted vegetables and sauce, fruits Souvenirs: red premium wine + white sparkling wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M20 Menu „1”
Degustation of 5 wines: 1 table white wine, 1 high quality red wine, 1 red wine stored in collection, 2 collection wine white and red, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: snack (sausage, pastrami, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes), braised pork with baked potatoes and pickles, mixed moldavian pies (placinte) Souvenirs: red premium wine + white sparkling wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M21 Menu „2”
Degustation of 5 wines: 1 high quality white wines, 1 table wine rose, 1 red wine stored in collection, 1 collection dessert wine, 1 sparkling white wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed cheese with nuts, mixed seafood, salad of raw vegetables, baked salmon with roasted vegetables and sauce Souvenirs: wine Roze de Milestii Mici + white premium wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M22 Menu „3”
Degustation of 6 wines: 1 table red wine, 1 high quality white wine, 3 collection wines white, red and dessert, 1 sparkling rose wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed meat, mixed moldavian pies (placinte), beef steak with grilled vegetables (or rice) with sauce, dessert Souvenirs: white collection wine + red premium wine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 100 lei for one person.
M23 Menu „4”
Degustation of 6 wines: 1 table red wine, 1 high quality white wine, 3 collection wines white, red and dessert, 1 sparkling rose wine * This amount of wine is calculated FOR A GROUP OF FIVE PERSONS Treats: mixed meat, mixed moldavian pies (placinte), beef steak with grilled vegetables (or rice) with sauce, dessert Souvenirs: white collection wine + red premiumwine Excursion, wines’ degustation, treats, duration - 2 hours Beginning with 17.00 and in weekends we provide our services with an addition of 130 lei for one person.
M24 Menu „5”
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+ 373 (22) 544-566
+373 67500666;
+373 67200666
+373 68833101
Republica Moldova, mun. Chişinău, str. Columna 77, MD-2001