Straseni, Moldova

Straseni is a town in the central part of Moldova. In 2008 the city had a population of approximately 18.311 inhabitants and an area of ​​60.82 km². The City was first found on October 27. Straseni is located in the valley beside the river Bic, near the famous forest "Codrii". The total area of Straseni is 6082 hectares, of which about 1586 hectares is agricultural land. detailii regiuni excursii
The town of Streseni with its name is first mentioned as a village on 20 March 1545, when Alexandru Voievod, the Lord of Moldavia, confirmed to the monastery Pobrata Straseni is one of the few localities in the country where the share of forest land is very impressive and represents about 40% or 2,340 ha. The water resources of the city are 180 ha and consist of the surface of the river Bâc 7.11 ha, 5 ponds with an area of ​​18 ha
Most of the population is occupied in the non-productive sphere. The city of Straseni is a multinational locality. More than 77% of the total population are Moldovans, followed by the Russians - 13.4% and the Ukrainians - 6.2%. The rest 2.8% of the population are represented by Bulgarians, Gagauz. Străşeniul enjoys a rich spectrum of the best European varieties: Aligote, Pinot, Cabernet, Izabelle, Risling of Italy, cognacs, High quality regular and sweet dry wines and natural juices.