Orhei, Moldova

Orhei is a city located in the central part of Moldova, 48 km north of Chisinau on the river Raut. It is the administrative center of the district Orhei. It has a population of 33,600 inhabitants and is the 9th largest city in the country, and one of the main growing economic centers of the Region. The centre of Orhei is located in the center of Moldova, at a distance of 45 km northwards on the road Chisinau-Balti beside river Raut. detailii regiuni excursii
The first two human settlements, identified by archaeologists on the current territory of the city, appeared approximately in 1300 BC. On the hearth of these settlements were collected various objects dated from the Bronze Age (14th-12th centuries BC). Year 900 BC. There were other localities. In the 300-400 years there were two settlements that survived until the year 200, when they were devastated and burned by the Germanic tribes of the Bastarans. In the Roman period, sec. II-IV et.n., there were two other localities, destroyed in 376 BC. Of hunter hordes.
The town of Orhei is a locality with rich cultural values ​​and traditions. Urbea has 63 historical and memorial monuments, art and architecture, of which 14 are of national importance and 49 of local importance, 2 cultural houses, 7 libraries and 2 artistic education institutions (painting and music). There are 9 amateur artistic collections with 180 people performing in the field and a center for the preservation and promotion of cultural traditions and values.